Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Wishing List for Earth Day 40th Anniversary

On this 40th anniversary of Earth Day, I hope the American representatives in the House and Senate will make America greener by:

* Giving the Americans effective public transport,
* Re-teach them to hand dry their their clothes instead of tumble dry it,
* Teach the Americans to eat un-produced food (=> less trash & pollution),
* Give the Americans incentives to walk & take the bike instead of the car whenever at all possible,
* Make building laws that have green requirements (recycle water, 3 layer isolation windows that manage heat/cold, lasting or biodegradable building materials, half & full flush water closets, water saver on shower head and water taps, warm water pipe heating either in the floor or via radiators, solar cells on roofs etc),
* Improve recycling possibilities, e.g. make bins for used batteries next to the garbage cans by apartment buildings and on street corners or outside drug stores and supermarkets,
* Make Round-up and other unnecessary chemicals ILLEGAL- at least for private consumers (as they have been in Europe for years!),
* Make the leaf and snow blowers illegal!! Give people a good old rake/broom and snow plow = free exercise :-)

Earth Day on Wiki
White House Honors Earth Day 40th Anniversary
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Earth Day History by Envirolink

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Somebody's Watching You - an eternal fight to protect yourself on the web

Just found this useful piece of advise on a Facebook friend's wall:

"Read the snopes article. It just makes the email available for purchase and the places where they got all that info still have it all. If you're going to go and try to remove yourself from this site (near impossible as far as I can tell) there are MANY other sites that have the same info. This is just the only one you've heard about. Check out sometime. I searched for my name and found old listings all over the country. Even to places I'd never lived because my ex husband kept the phone number we'd gotten when I was still with him.

Information on the net doesn't die. Don't give these people another piece of yourself. Just ignore it. Personally I stopped trying to stop or block spam to my email. Stopped trying to "unsubscribe" (in reality it just proves you're really there and it's a good email). I went from getting 500+ spam emails a week to about 2-5 a week. Food for thought...."


"from wikipedia - Email address harvesting
While Spokeo has a privacy link that provides a process for removal of a name from Public Listing, what it also does is harvest a legitimate e-mail address. The legitimate e-mail address is then available for purchase, potentially opening up the email address to spam" cooperaters with