Thursday, June 16, 2011

Happy Herb Discoveries

This week has been a good week in many ways, but I feel like sharing the parts that I think you will benefit from hearing about: My local food discoveries!

Today a gardener at the Plant Science Lab, the greenhouse at Seattle Central Community College, just told me they now have Lovage!!! An exquisite herb, that taste of my childhood summers when it's wrapped around or stuffed into a chicken, served with (Danish, almost skinless) summer potatoes w butter and lovage. I have been missing that herb insanely during the three and a half years I have lived in the US - I'm a happy girl :-9

On top of that, this past Sunday I found what smelled and looked like elderflowers (before the elderberries on an elderbush) A MUST try for homemade lemonade. If you have a bush in your garden or some other place where car traffic isn't too intense, I'll give you the simple and ABSOLUTELY yummy recipe for elderflower lemonade :-D

Lemonbalm is another herb I haven't seen over here that I hope to come across at some point. It's so good w any type of ice cream, on top of most cakes, or as a fresh herbal tea (can be mixed w fresh mint leaves/stalks, too)

As usual I'm happy when people like my cakes, and it appears that especially the poppy seed cake made people happy at the STEM event at the Plant Science Lab/Greenhouse today :-)) Should I consider starting a baking company after all? ;-D