Thursday, August 26, 2010

Illogic food pricing in the US, Part II

I guess I should just stop shopping at super markets over here since it seems to be bad for my blood pressure. Reaching for the yeast (yes, the fresh) in anticipation of baking some buns, I was shocked to see the price: $1.79 for 17 grams - 17 GRAMS! In Denmark they throw it at you, 50 grams for $0.20-0.50. So since I need min 2 US packages of yeast to make a full portion of buns (yes, Danish recipe), I end up paying more for going through the trouble (and the electricity for heating the oven) of making my own bread than buying a so-called quality bread in the same super market! Now where's the logic in that!?!? In Denmark it used to cost me $2 to make my own bread and $4 to buy a good bread, see THAT's logic.

Also sad to see that of the few words that are highlighted in the baking isle sign is NEITHER flour nor sugar (anymore, it used to be sugar), but cake mix!! No wonder America is struggling w overweight and bad health when it's so expensive (and therefore uncommon) to make your own dishes. How sad though.