Thursday, April 16, 2009

A more pleasant flight ahead w United

Yes, oh YES! How I have waited for this to finally happen! Every time I get on on an airplane, my heart pumps with fear that I’ll have to sit next to an obese person that will at best make the trip uncomfortable for me, at worst, leave me harmed after hours of being unable to sit in a healthy position. I don’t know whether that famous story about a person that was crippled for life after being squished to the round airplane window wall by a severely obese person is true, but nonetheless it has frightened me!

So it is with great relief I hear this :-)

As for the obese, I do recognize that it is not solely their own fault that they have become overweight, seeing that unhealthy food is much cheaper over here in the US than healthy food is! A fact that vexes me greatly!!! That means that people with very little disposable income have no other choice than to eat bad food more often than they might have wanted to if they could afford to eat exactly what they wanted.

I point a big accusing finger at all the fast food companies to start taking responsibility for the obesity they create and start serving healthier food. I have noticed with great satisfaction that McDonalds in Denmark serve a children’s meal with incredibly sweet and crisp baby carrots instead of fries, and a very delicious top quality unfiltered apple juice instead of soda served with the hamburger and a plastic toy. THAT’s what I want all the others to do too!

Each state authority should also put pressure on food producers, food retailers and restaurants to serve better food. And schools should serve healthy food for lunch. I know it’s possible to do for a fair amount of money - or at least it is in Denmark, where unhealthy food is very expensive, and healthy food is kept cheap, and the British cook Jamie Oliver has proven it to be possible in the UK too.

So yes, don’t punish the people of normal weight in an airplane, but help stop obesity and help the ones already obese to get back to a normal weight. That will be a huge investment in the American society: to have healthier people living longer and being able to work for longer.

Read article on Huffington Post

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